Hi again,

I have a few questions about the setup I'm curious about...

1) is it possible to expose multiple dataset paths through a single
installation? i.e. I want to have multiple contexts inside a dataset, but
also multiple datasets in the same installation... I don't think that's
possible aside from allowing multiple kiwi instances concurrently or the
easiest thing might be just to run 2 Marmotta instances. But is it possible
to expose 2 datasets through a single instance? maybe like
localhost/marmotta1/... localhost/marmotta2/... I ask because our workflow
lends itself to this kind of setup... and it seems cleaner to separate the
triples this way.

2) Compared to postgresql, how performant is mysql in comparison?

3) Is there an upper-bound for the number of triples Marmotta can handle
before performance starts to tail off?

4) What is the roadmap for implementing federated queries?

I'm sure I'll have more questions as I dig in further....


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