Hi guys. We at B2W-UFSCar Lab have been studying AutoML and have developed a prototype AutoML engine for Marvin, trying to understand it better.
What do you think about integrating this engine into Marvin? There is an open issue about this: https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/MARVIN/issues/MARVIN-46?filter=allopenissues Here are some print screens to show you the basic idea: - marvin1.png: CLI command to create a new AutoML project - marvin2.png: Dialog to select the desired library to install - marvin3.png: Notebook running a sample AutoML trainer If you want to take a look in the current prototype, it is on a local fork of GitHub "dev" branch: https://github.com/cardosolucas/incubator-marvin Iris example engine: https://github.com/cardosolucas/incubator-marvin/tree/develop/public-engines/iris-automl-engine Thanks, Lucas.