Hello Leonardo,

The current documentation only contains high level concept and there are
not many samples.
If you have anything that you can help to share with us please submit a PR
to this Repo!

Best Regards

On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 6:22 AM Zhang Yifei <yifei.z.l...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Leonardo,
> Lots of good advice!
> You can find Marvin's issues here: issues.apache.org/jira
> Best regards
> Em seg., 25 de mai. de 2020 às 23:10, Leonardo Tavares <
> leonardot1...@gmail.com> escreveu:
> > Hello everyone, first let me introduce myself:
> > My name is Leonardo Tavares and I'm an undergrad Computer Engineering
> > student at UFSCar doing my undergraduate dissertation supervised by
> > Professor Daniel Lucrédio.
> >
> > I'm using Marvin as a MLOps framework for implementing a proof of concept
> > architecture based on a project from work. It consists mainly on having
> > multiple models running at the same time and a "model selector" that
> parses
> > all requests and sends to the correct model.
> >
> > Along the development of the project I was writing down every issue I
> faced
> > and points where Marvin helped me compared to vanilla Python. I was going
> > to open some issues in the GitHub repository, but I couldn't find the
> tab,
> > so I'm going to drop all feedback here and if needed I can send each
> issue
> > in a separate email.
> >
> > Regarding specs, I was using a Windows 10 laptop but the Marvin
> > engines/notebooks were running in a Docker container using Python 3.7. To
> > reduce the message size, I'm going to focus on the issues I had during
> the
> > project development:
> >
> >    - Probably my biggest issue, Marvin's documentation is scarce, meaning
> >    that most of the problems I faced I had to open the source code and
> try
> > to
> >    understand what was happening.
> >    - The public engines available on GitHub have an older Marvin
> template,
> >    resulting in broken dependencies.
> >    - The usage of gRPC depends on compiling the "actions.proto" file from
> >    source (or has some other easier way to use that is not documented).
> >    - Reloading artifacts using gRPC does not work. Only works when using
> >    rest.
> >    - The artifact names are static, not allowing the creation of other
> >    artifacts and demanding the user knowledge of each artifact for each
> >    action, despite having artifacts definition on "engine.metadata".
> >    - If you select a blank cell and tag it as a DASFE action, it will
> cause
> >    the engine to break (maybe could have a "pass" when the cell is
> blank?).
> >    - "marvin test" command always fails, even with thedryrun and
> http/gRPC
> >    server working.
> >    - "marvin pkg-updatedeps" is broken, get_installed_distributions was
> >    deprecated in newer versions of pip.
> >    - "make docker-build" is broken, due to the deprecation of the
> >    "ppa:webupd8team/java" (along with possibly some other issues).
> >
> > I'd also like to suggest on a point that isn't a issue but that I think
> > would be a great addition to the framework:
> >
> >    - If I managed to correctly understand the artifact versioning,
> >    it currently works by dumping each "marvin_" variable into a pickle
> and
> >    loading it. Many problems can occur if the source code of the project
> >    changes between artifact versions.
> >       - A possible solution is to tag each artifact with a git commit,
> >       saving the pickle of each artifact along with the commit that it
> was
> >       generated.
> >       - When reloading, the engine executor would not only load the
> pickle
> >       of the artifact but also change the source code being executed to
> the
> >       version tagged with the artifact.
> >
> > What do you think?
> > Overall, even with all the issues presented above, the framework have
> great
> > features that speedup the development and management of the engines,
> having
> > great potential to be used in several fields.
> > To me, the most glaring issue is the lack of detailed documentation and
> > tutorials, turning away possible adopters due to the steep learning
> curve.
> > To help with this issue I'd like to help on writing some tutorials on
> gRPC,
> > if possible :)
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > --
> > Leonardo Tavares Oliveira
> > Graduando em Engenharia de Computação
> > Universidade Federal de São Carlos
> >
> > <http://www.instructables.com/member/leonardots/>
> > <https://github.com/leotavares>
> > <https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonardot1802/>
> > <http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K8064478U3>
> >
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Zhang Yifei

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