Hello everyone. I would like to propose a more in-depth analysis of
Marvin's architectural proposal and for that I need your help. The idea
isn’t to change the proposal, but to identify architectural approaches and
describe scenarios around different contexts of use. This is part of my
M.Sc. research, which is a case study of how to carry out such analysis in
an open source environment. The activity is also interesting for the
Marvin-AI community, as it has the potential to generate important insight
regarding the proposed architecture, allowing us to identify new features
or modify some approaches as needed.

The evaluation will be carried out using a traditional evaluation method
called ATAM, developed at the Software Engineering Institute at CMU. It was
originally developed to be carried out in a room with the presence of all
stakeholders, in short sessions. Obviously, we can't do that, therefore I
will make some adaptations, so that we can do it via email, GitHub, and the
other tools we have available.


What do you need from me?

R: Just check your e-mail once in a while and give us your opinion and
ideas. That's it! Each interaction in the process should only take the
response time of a normal email (about 15 minutes). I expect to send no
more than one or two e-mails every week.

Do you really need me?

Literature recommends that at least 5 stakeholders are involved in the
process. We have 5 PMC/committers, and it would be great if everyone is on
board. I will take the liberty to encourage member participation, so that
the interactions become more valuable.

How long will it take?

R: There is no time limit, but I expect around 6-8 weeks of effort. That
depends on the discussions, though.

How does this work?

R: Long answer ->

R: Short answer:


   First we define Marvin-AI's mission, what Marvin proposes to do and what
   is out of bounds. This formal definition is important for future steps,
   ensuring that only what is in scope is evaluated.

   Next we try to identify the architectural approaches and quality
   attributes. The architectural approach is how Marvin-AI is structured.
   Quality attributes are a form of non-functional requirements that are
   supposed to be implemented at the architectural level. Marvin-AI is
   supposed to satisfy these attributes.

   Scenario brainstorming and prioritization: here we try to describe some
   usage scenarios (real or imaginary) that cover Marvin's main architectural
   approaches. We then vote to prioritize these scenario as critical / common
   / not important.


   Analysis of the scenarios within the architectural proposal: we will
   make an exercise to verify how the architectural proposal performs in each
   scenario considered as critical or common.

   Compilation of results: Presentation and compilation of results and
   lessons learned.

That seems complicated. Can you explain better?

R: Yes! I will try to be very careful and explain in details what everyone
should do, before each step in the process.

Thank you very much,


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