+1 on that one too
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
Blog:      http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/dion/
Work:      http://www.multitask.com.au

Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/06/2003 10:34:11 PM:

> On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 04:04, Rafal Krzewski wrote:
> > Jason van Zyl wrote:
> > 
> > > Document it and it will more than likely be followed.
> > 
> > I wish it would be so simple. Humans are lazy and forgetful, even the
> > best documenation won't change that. The most common case is that some
> > a person wants to apply just a tiny little fix to a plugin.
> > 
> > I think that public scolding people that break the rules will be
> > neccessary addition to the documentation...
> Personally I would like a tool to help, but that will be a dream for
> some time. The releases for example: I don't think you can make quick,
> consistent and safe releases without a tool that performs all sorts of
> checks and helps you do most of the work. I realize how hard these tools
> are to write but ultimately will be the only real solution.
> > R.
> > 
> > 
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> -- 
> jvz.
> Jason van Zyl
> http://tambora.zenplex.org
> In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
> and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
>   -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society
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