On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 12:32:46PM +0100, Brian Ewins wrote:
> This diagnosis doesn't seem right.
>  > And this is the bad news: ' is good for html but bad for
>  > XML. So, the result file is not well formed. And yes, now
>  > I tested that this was the real problem, you can do it, too:
> This isn't correct. see <http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#sec-predefined-ent>
> "All XML processors must recognize these entities whether they are 
> declared or not." (the next sentence - that XML documents should declare 
> them anyway - is intended for interop with legacy SGML processors, the 
> MUST in the first sentence applies to all conforming XML parsers). So 
> the checkstyle xml is ok; the problem must be elsewhere.
> Since Maven ships with Xerces, and the only other parser you're likely 
> to be using is Crimson, and both of these handle &amp; correctly, it 
> seems incredibly unlikely that the parser is at fault (though I do 
> remember some talk ages ago about shipping jelly/maven with a 'mini' xml 
> parser?) It seems far more likely to be a bug in whatever is being used 
> as the EntityResolver.
> -Baz

You are right, I didn't remember that apos is among the default entities.
But funnily enough the method described worked for me. Now, I've made a
"maven clean site:deploy" to be sure to work from scratch and see, that
the class cast exception problem is present already in the
target/checkstyle-raw-report.xml (I had good raw report before). Also,
I saw error messages while the checkstyle goal was running (which is not
present in the maven.log):

Can't find/access AST Node typecom.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.api.DetailAST

for every files that was flagged with the class cast exception in the raw
checkstyle report.


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