On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 10:20, Michal Maczka wrote:
> I am thinking about deploying java sources and javadocs to repository.
> Any idea about naming convention of those artifacts? With maven-new it 
> will be easy to control, with maven-old it is not so easy.
> I am thinking about:
> /${groupId}/apis/${artitifactId}_api-${version}.jar  (for javadocs)
> /${groupId}/srcs/${artitifactId}_src-${version}.jar  (for sources).
> Any better ideas? 
> Other question is where is the best place for such functionality?
> I think for javadoc it is javadoc plugin. But for sources?

Isn't the "dist" plugin doing the job already?

[dist] : Build a complete distribution.
  build ...................... Build a complete distribution.
  build-bin .................. Build the binary distribution.
  build-setup ................ Set up directories for a distribution
  build-src .................. Build the source distribution.
  deploy ..................... Deploy a distribution
  deploy-bin ................. Deploy a binary distribution
  deploy-snapshot ............ Deploy a snapshot distribution
  deploy-src ................. Deploy a source distribution
  prepare-bin-filesystem ..... Builds the binary distribution file
  prepare-src-filesystem ..... Builds the source distribution file

> javadoc:archive
> java:src-archive

... dist plugin IMHO builds "zip" archives, which are more suitable than
jar e.g. for javadoc.

just my 2 cent
Martin Skopp
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