> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michal Maczka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 18 June 2003 19:53
> To: Maven Developers List
> Subject: RE: Problems of EJB plugin and Dependencies download
> This is partially fixed in maven-new (Repository Layout Service)
> So you can assign different layouts for different types.
> E.g. for ejb it is (see layout-properties in maven-new/core/src/conf)
> # EJB
> ejb=${groupId}/ejbs/${artifactId}-${version}.jar

ok. That's cool to know. However, my belief is that it still needs to be
fixed for Maven 1.0.

> There is one more problem with ejbs.
> There are not added to build class path.
> This will be also fixed in maven-new (ArtifactHandlers)
> but I would propose a temporary hack in maven-old and to hard code
> artifact type
> which should be added to class path.
> see org.apache.maven.DependencyClasspathBuilder.
> Michal
> P.S.
> A workaround for 1st problem for ejbs is:
> <dependency>
>     <type>ejb<type>
>     <jar>actual file name </jar>
> </dependency>
> AFAIK There is no workaround for 2nd problem,

I see 2 solutions:

1/ Add a property called <classpath>false</classpath> and if found the
said dependency is not added to the Classpath?


2/ Define a list of well known artifact types. That would server 2
a- to know if the said dependency type should be added to the classpath
b- to know what extension this type has

I prefer 2.


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