Looks good. A few questions:

maven.repo.repo1.remote.group= goo
Is remote.group really needed? How is this different to pom.groupId?

maven.deploy.repo.ibiblio = http://www.ibiblio.org
maven.deploy.repo.ibiblio.directory = /maven

Is the extra deploy here a typo? If it is something different, what is it? (looks like maven.repo.remote). If it is the same, how do you deploy to HTTP? PUT?


For each repository following properties can be set ( I hope that names are

maven.repo.${repo alias}.dir = /repository maven.repo.${repo alias}.username= foo maven.repo.${repo alias}.password= baa maven.repo.${repo alias}.remote.group= goo maven.repo.${repo alias}.port= 23 maven.repo.${repo alias}.privatekey= ./ssh/keys/somefile maven.repo.${repo alias}.passphrase= baa
maven.repo.${repo alias}.method=(scp|rsync|ftp|put|cp)

maven.repo.proxy.username= foo
maven.repo.proxy.password= foo
maven.repo.proxy.port= 81
You should only need the one proxy, I'd stick with maven.proxy.* that already exist.

There is one special case:

In POM (project.xml) we have

In this case properties for this repository can be set

using alias "central"

so e.g.

maven.repo.central.username= foo
maven.repo.central.privatekey= ./ssh/keys/somefile

Maybe this special case doesn't belong in the POM?

One other thing about deploying - will an MD5 be sent as well? Will it only be sent to a central repository that can be trusted, or do they exist on mirrors as well? (ie for download integrity checks, not security checks).

Finally, some more thoughts although a bit of a tangent - pulling them back down. Can the repo aliases be re-used for pulling down artifacts? Although we might want to stick to just HTTP/FTP there. And would some projects perhaps want to identify their own repos in their POM? Does that pose a security problem?


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