On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 20:12, Brett Porter wrote:
> > 
> > Brett, 
> > 
> > Could you give me a quick rundown of how to download a plugin 
> > and how the mechanism works. I will look at the code for 
> > certain but I just want to push in a little bit of doco now 
> > with all the plugins separated.
>  maven plugin:download -DartifactId=maven-dbunit-plugin -DgroupId=maven
> -Dversion=1.1-SNAPSHOT
> Downloads, installs to $MAVEN_HOME/plugins, deletes old versions in
> > If you declare a plugin as a dependency will an install be attempted?
> > 
> Yes, same as above but doesn't delete other versions. For this one, just a
> standard dependency element is needed with <type>plugin</type> given.

Awesome, thanks!

> Cheers,
> Brett

Jason van Zyl

In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
  -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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