"Vincent Massol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 14/12/2003 09:39:24 AM:

> Hi Jason,
> Cool. Here's my checklist (from the top of my head):
> 1/ modify project.xml and remove -SNAPSHOT
> 2/ modify project.xml to change the <version>: move HEAD to
> MAVEN_[plugin name]_[version major]_[version minor]
> 3/ modify changes.xml to change the release date
> 4/ modify navigation.xml and add a link to download the new plugin
> version (in the download menu - add it if it doesn't exist)
> 5/ prepare an announcement text file which includes information from
> changes.xml and add maven compatibility information in it. Note: I'm
> trying to automate this part in the announcement plugin.
> 6/ build the plugin (maven plugin:install) and test it (maven
> plugin:test)
> 7/ upload the plugin jar (ATM, I do: pscp ... and then I log on ibiblio
> and call create_checksum.sh. Then I do a "chmod g+w *".

I do this step using the repository plugin, as per the notes on the web 

> 8/ commit

I do this before step 7.

> 9/ build the doc. Check it is ok. Deploy it: maven site:deploy. Note:
> The maven plugin jar has to be on ibiblio so that the download link is
> not reported as 404 by the linkcheck plugin

I do step 9 after step 10.

> 10/ Tag CVS
> 11/ Modify JIRA to show that the new version is now *released*. Create a
> new entry for the next version. Automatically reaffect all assigned
> issues to the new version if they are still open.
> 12/ modify project.xml to bump the version number (using the SNAPSHOT
> suffix)

I don't automatically bump the version number, as it has lead to releases 
of the plugin on a maven release with absolutely no change from the 
previous release. I let the person making the first change bump it.

> 13/ modify changes.xml and add en empty <release> tag for the new
> version, using "in CVS" for the release date

See 12/

> 14/ Send announcement to MLs.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
Blog:      http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/dion/

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