Hi Brett,

Brett Porter wrote on Friday, December 12, 2003 12:36 AM:
> These are all warnings. I will clean them up by RC2.

although it is possible now to build Maven in the 1.0 branch, I have proplems with 
this version. As reported before, Maven still claims beeing offline and reports 
warnings, but is also not able to retrieve the SNAPSHOT artifacts (tested with 

============== snip ===========
[1] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Elsag/Apps/Maven/jakarta-commons/jelly/jelly-tags/soap
$ maven demo
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-rc2-SNAPSHOT

You are working offline so the build will continue, but 
maven-junit-report-plugin-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar may be out of date!
Attempting to download commons-jelly-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Error retrieving artifact from 
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
Attempting to download commons-jelly-tags-log-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Error retrieving artifact from 
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
Attempting to download commons-cli-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Error retrieving artifact from 
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
Attempting to download commons-discovery-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Error retrieving artifact from 
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
============== snap ===========

So there is still something wrong. I am also not able to build Avalon/Merlin anymore. 
Test yourself: check-out avalon and start maven in util:

======== snip ===========
[1] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Elsag/Apps/Avalon/avalon/util
$ maven
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-rc2-SNAPSHOT

You are working offline so the build will continue, but 
maven-junit-report-plugin-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar may be out of date!
Tag library requested that is not present: 
Tag library requested that is not present: 'dist'
Tag library requested that is not present: 'release'
Tag library requested that is not present: 'cactus'
Tag library requested that is not present: 'dashboard'
Starting the reactor...
Our processing order:
Avalon Util Criteria
Avalon Environment Utilities
Avalon Property Defaults
Avalon Exception Utilities
Avalon Plugin
| Building: Avalon Util Criteria
| Memory: 14M/15M
Tag library requested that is not present: 
Tag library requested that is not present: 'dist'
Tag library requested that is not present: 'release'
Tag library requested that is not present: 'cactus'
Tag library requested that is not present: 'dashboard'
Starting the reactor...
Our processing order:

Unable to obtain goal [avalon:build] -- null:29:42: <ant:copy> Specify at least one 
source - a file or a fileset.
Total time: 12 seconds
Finished at: Tue Dec 16 10:10:08 CET 2003
======== snap ===========

Running the same with RC1, it runs without any problems. It seems something has 
changed with the ant plugin ...


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