On Thu, 2003-12-18 at 17:07, Sonnek, Ryan wrote:
> I have nearly finished creating a small plugin that I think could be
> integrated into the maven clean plugin.  I would like to get feedback on it
> and ask about if/how to submit it to the maven community.
> I created a plugin that goes through the user's local repository and deletes
> out all timestamped artifacts EXCEPT the newest one (should be the same as
> SNAPSHOT).  I needed to create this plugin because after several weeks of
> development, I'd have over 1 GB tied up in my local repo.  It is not
> possible to just "blow away" my local repo since we may or may not be online
> to redownload the dependencies, so I created this plugin to do the grunt
> work for me. 
> I see this as being useful to organizations that develop using SNAPSHOT
> dependencies (which kicks ass, and I thank maven for implementing this), and
> don't want to weed through their local repo to clean up old files.
> Any suggestions on how to go about this would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.

This is something that you need to be careful about. It can't hurt to
have the goal for those that want to use it. A local repository is
obviously slightly different than ibiblio but one thing that we're
strict about with ibiblio is that no removals occur. This is an
important reason why ibiblio was chosen because it is a form of history
and you could potentially really screw yourself, or someone else, in the
future by removing stuff that doesn't seem important at the time.

In an organization that has a shared repository for development you
probably don't want to start nuking stuff, but this feature probably
can't hurt for a user's local repository.

Just some notions to keep in mind. 

> Ryan
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Jason van Zyl

In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
  -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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