I like the idea of the blue bgcolor for non-focused tabs, but I'd also say
to use a lighter gray for the fg of those tabs (increases contrast and
readability). As for the pipes, it's a simple solution and seems very
effective on other sites.

One thing, though: I think the part that needs the most attention is that
tertiary nav (Overview, Statistics, etc.). It's not really contained by
anything visually (other than a rule < hr/ > ?), and would probably benefit
greatly from the piping, etc. or maybe some type of different font or
font-style, font-weight, etc.  I dunno exactly what I'm trying to do here
visually, only that it needs to stand out a little more. 

I played around a little in EditCSS, and thought this, combined with the
piping, might work:

div.bar ul.subnav2 {
        z-index: 101;
        margin: 0px;
        margin-top: 0px;
        padding: 0px 0px 1px 50px;
        /*padding: 1px 0px 3px 30px;*/
        /*border-top:1px solid #fff;*/
        border-bottom:1px solid #999;
        height: 15px;

Please keep in mind that I'm infinitely better at critiquing other work than
producing my own when it comes to web interfacing. :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark R. Diggory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 11:02 AM
To: Maven Developers List
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: [commons-site] Alternate Horizontal Project

Can you make any recommendations on colors for tab background or fonts 
that would be better? I'm think of maybe using the "h1" background color 
for the active tabs (blue) with the "h2" class as the bgcolor for 
inactive tabs.

I also was going to use a css property to place a pipe delimiter between 
the menu options, I glad someone else recognized value in this as well.


John Casey wrote:
> Personally, I like how it works with an umbrella project (Jakarta), but
> really don't like the current contrast of the menus. It's hard to read,
> and hard to visually pull out the link breaks. But I'd say it's really
> close to being a nice alternative.
> Just my 2c.
> -john
> On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 07:55, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
>>I thought it'd be good to forward this onto you "Crazy Maven 
>>Developers". What do you think about horizontal project navigation:
>>-------- Original Message --------
>>Ok I added the following:
>>1.) first three navi levels stay the same height if content present or
>>2.) nested custom project documentation menus under "About <Project>"
>>(requires special formating (and menu/@type="tab" attribute to be
>>visible there).
>>3.) disabled "Development Process" button (working on removing it).
>>As an example of three levels being filled:
>>Tim O'Brien wrote:
>>>I think this helps.  Although the "About Math" tab should have a blank 
>>>subtab for consistency.
>>>...now the left nav - it is soooo busy.
>>>Mark R. Diggory wrote:
>>>>I worked out the kinks on an alternate project navigation, please have 
>>>>a look and comment:
>>>>1.) Navigation better integrated into page layout.
>>>>2.) Horizontal positioning at top of page more traditional for 
>>>>3.) Strong CSS control over look and feel, 0% javascript
>>>>4.) Clearly separates "Shared Commons Navigation" from "Individual 
>>>>Project Navigation".
>>>>1.) Limits number of items on a level to the width of the page
>>>>(although it does provide "wrapping" when items are greater than width).
>>>>2.) Currently limited to menus nested three levels deep.
>>>>(but easily extendable to more).
>>>>3.) Currently doesn't integrate custom project navigation.
>>>>(but could easily be adapted for such support, I had initially 
>>>>included it, but encountered small issues with merging two separate 
>>>>"menu sets").
>>>>I think its important to clearly separate the "Projects Navigation" 
>>>>from the overall shared "Commons Navigation", I believe positioning 
>>>>them in very separate locations of the site gives the user a much 
>>>>clearer path and ease in determining the level of the site they are 
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>>Mark Diggory
>>Software Developer
>>Harvard MIT Data Center
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Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

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