For those who work on Win7, a pretty equivalent batch script:

Unfortunately, i found no pull request at the moment to test it as a whole
(#22 is open but already committed to master), but i tried all pieces
separately and it should work as expected - feedbacks are welcome.

Hope it helps
Paolo Compieta

On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 4:50 AM, Jason van Zyl <> wrote:

> Hi,
> There have been a lot of great patches for Maven core recently which is a
> pleasant surprise. Unfortunately it's not readily apparent to contributors
> what is required to accept a patch into core. Not only must the unit tests
> pass, but the integration tests must pass as well. Our integration tests
> catch most things and we're in a state where much of what should be tested
> in the unit tests are only captured in the integration tests. This is not a
> horrible thing in and of itself but it makes it fairly time consuming to
> test for non-core developers. I don't think most people even know we have
> an integration test suite or where they are.
> While not perfect, until we have automation to validate changes, I created
> a shell script to help those making changes to core more easily see if
> their changes have broken anything:
> If you have made a pull request, this script will apply your PR as a patch
> to master, build Maven and then use the just-built Maven to run the
> integration tests. If this script succeeds it becomes an order of magnitude
> easier to review the change knowing nothing is broken. This is not to say
> your patch will be immediately accepted if everything passes but it helps
> contributors to know nothing is broken which makes looking at a patch far
> more appealing to the core developers.
> Thanks,
> Jason
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Jason van Zyl
> Founder,  Apache Maven
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> A party which is not afraid of letting culture,
> business, and welfare go to ruin completely can
> be omnipotent for a while.
>   -- Jakob Burckhardt

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