Le mardi 14 avril 2015 16:34:18 Olivier Lamy a écrit :
> On 14 April 2015 at 16:11, Hervé BOUTEMY <herve.bout...@free.fr> wrote:
> > wow, impressive!
> Definitely agree!!!
> > what I don't like is that it does not use my wide screen, which is not
> > great
> > on some key pages like http://maven.matsuo-it.com/#/plugins/index.html
> I wonder what sort of resolution you're using?? :-)
no secret: 1920x1200 = good screen for a desktop,
I'm sure some laptops are not that far, isn't it?

What resolution do other devs have?

And in fact, whatever the resolution is, nowadays we have wide screens: I 
don't like when a layout just don't use it :)

> I wonder if it could be possible to have atfix for left menu? and a mix of
> atfix and scroll spy for right one?
> See http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#scrollspy and
> http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#affix
> > but there are a lot of great ideas that proves people can create great
> > skins!
> > 
> > Regarding Jekyll and asciidoctor, I have in my todo list to draw a picture
> > of
> > how maven-site-plugin currently uses reports, Doxia and Doxia SiteTools to
> > render a site with a skin
> > I'm convinced we can replace Doxia SiteTools without wreaking havoc
> > What I still don't know is if Jekyll and/or asciidoctor know about a
> > notion of
> > skin, ie reusable template
> > 
> > I will be offline for somthing like 3 weeks: I hope to draw a first draft
> > of the
> > picture to let time thinking about its improvement during my vacation :)
> > 
> > Then for the current skins r&d, I won't be available at the moment
> > 
> > But definitely, it's something really interesting: I don't know if we have
> > something like a skins-community to share skins
> > Nothing at http://maven.apache.org/skins/index.html
> > But
> > http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-site-plugin/examples/creatingskins.h
> > tml links "Examples of Existing Skins" to
> > http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVENUSER/Maven+Skins
> > 
> > Notice this is a Codehaus MAVENUSER Confluence content, that will
> > disappear
> > when Codehaus shuts down: seems like we'll need to migrate at least part
> > of
> > it, I don't know how, to ASF...
> > And I hope we can have external contributors on ASF Confluence: once again
> > I
> > don't know
> > 
> > I'll try to see what I can do before going offline...
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Hervé
> > 
> > Le mardi 14 avril 2015 00:58:16 Marek Romanowski a écrit :
> > > Hi,
> > > I saw Karl's mail about Maven Web Site and I've decided to post some
> > > questions to you all.
> > > 
> > > A few months ago I was thinking about how hard would it be to provide
> > > modern theme for maven generated sites. I wanted to have full project
> > > documentation within project, ideally generated with standard maven
> > 
> > tools.
> > 
> > > Documentation should be usable on mobile devices, and extremely data
> > > centric, without any distracting parts.
> > > 
> > > First I've found reflow skin, and basing on it I've created clone that
> > 
> > uses
> > 
> > > Bootstrap 3.3 - http://tunguski.github.io/msb3-maven-skin (not deployed
> > 
> > in
> > 
> > > maven central).
> > > 
> > > But I found working with custom maven site generation extremely hard,
> > > especially when you compare it to tools like Jekyll.
> > > 
> > > So I started a research project asking how hard would it be to create
> > > totally new theme without changing default maven site generation. I've
> > > created proof of concept visible here: http://maven.matsuo-it.com. Full
> > > source code is availible on github:
> > > https://github.com/tunguski/angular-boostrapize-maven-site.
> > > 
> > > Generally it is starndard maven site data, but themed using bootstrap
> > 
> > 3.3.
> > 
> > > It uses Angular 1.4 for data extraction (from original site), adding
> > > dynamic elements like menu generation, scroll to top etc. At this point
> > 
> > it
> > 
> > > probably won't index in search engines at all.
> > > 
> > > Goals achieved in most part:
> > > * it looks and works really well on all kinds of devices
> > > * it has themes changed in seconds - you may choose a skin and
> > 
> > highlighting
> > 
> > > theme (upper right corner of the screen)
> > > * it creates additional menu builded from headers in page content
> > > * it unifies theme for sites created with default and fluido skin
> > > * it tries to provide fresh view on javadocs and java sources (it's far
> > > from perfect)
> > > * it adds simple search of artifacts from search.maven.org
> > > * it provides proof of concept for dynamic report basing on maven web
> > 
> > site
> > 
> > > data - broken links report:
> > > http://maven.matsuo-it.com/#/_views/reports/linkage.html
> > > 
> > > Main things that are broken are in-page anchors, no images, breadcrumb
> > 
> > and
> > 
> > > page title generation (all listed in readme.md).
> > > 
> > > Ok, after that very long introduction I'd like to ask you what do you
> > 
> > think
> > 
> > > about this simple r&d. I'm especially interested in:
> > > 
> > > * What do you think about these themes and layout in context of maven
> > 
> > site?
> > 
> > > * Would it be useful for Maven community in any part if some specific
> > > things were finnished? If yes, what could be done?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Kind Regards,
> > > Marek Romanowski.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ps.: As it is my first mail on this list, I'd like to thank you all for
> > > outstanding work you are doing!
> > 
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