Hi Apache geeks,

I hope you had good trip home.
What would you say to an idea to summarize our visions with Maven?
We had a good time to speak about it, and since the talk is always better
than a slow chat we should maybe let the community be informed.

Basically these were the topics:
+ Maven extension points (don't mean extension plugin only):
release,assembly and surefire-plugin. Possible hooks;
+ Eclipse compiler in incremental build, limitations;
+ incremental build and incremental testing;
+ Maven agent listening to build changes;
+ consumer POM and Maven 5, possible performance gain and memory
consumption improvement;
+ security hole - checksum in Nexus/Maven;
+ black listing artifacts and Sonatype as owner of the list;
+ Java 9 compatibility, package-info and BND meta data utilized from
osgi-bnd tool in favor of Maven.


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