Am 2015-10-28 um 18:28 schrieb Stephen Connolly:
Thanks for contributions from non-committers go to:
*  Martin Schäf
* Joseph Walton
* Keith Turner
* Anton Tanasenko
* Stephen Kitt
* "tssp at web dot de" (whoever you are - a small commit with clear
intent of Apache License grant)
* "sugartxy <tgttxy at 163 dot com>" (on technical basis of this
change I think this is acceptable to infer a grant of Apache License)
* Florencia Tarditti
* Robert Stern

That is a good example that if you encourage people to contribute and resolve the PRs in time, they will contribute. Some of the commits have been merged by me and I was quite grateful to those who created a PR, regardless how small the improvement is.

Though, the lifecycle on GitHub is still mediocre. I cannot request Jenkins to run the tests, I cannot close the PR. For me who has only little time for this, the state is somewhat frustrating.


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