> JUnit 4 End Of Life
> I have a strong reason to use Java 8 in Surefire project.
> For more information read this
> https://github.com/junit-team/junit-lambda/issues/31

Hi Tibor,

Wouldn't it be enough to only build the new Junit-5 provider with
source/target level 8 (if that would even be necessary) and switch the
animal-sniffer to JDK 8 signatures only for that module? Or move that
provider to its own repository with its own JDK 8 build...

In any case, I don't think we'd have a strict requirement to move all of
surefire to Java 8 bytecode only because of a new test provider - or a
dependency thereof. Sure it would be cool to go full Java 8 in Surefire,
but I don't think we can or should pull that off.

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