Not sure I understand. Are you talking about compiling, and more
specifically, invoking maven-compiler-plugin, on maven-settings-builder
and maven-settings projects or something else? If you are talking about
invoking maven-compiler-plugin on several interdependent projects, can
you explain how adding modulepath info to MavenProject is going to help?


On Sun, Jan 3, 2016, at 02:30 PM, Robert Scholte wrote:
> I would really prefer a solution without changing Maven Project,  
> especially since we're talking about non-generic or language-specific  
> elements.
> However, in my example where maven-settings-builder depends on  
> maven-settings, how would m-s-b know what the modulePath for m-s is? You  
> shouldn't ask this information on the compiler-plugin of m-s, since there 
> should be no logic between plugins. There should be some sort of shared  
> context and the only reasonable object I can think of is the
> MavenProject.
> Assuming I compiled with -modulesourcepath, should the compiler-plugin  
> copy all those files to the target/classes directory too, so other
> plugins  
> can use it as a pre-java9 project? I hope not, but it would be a simple  
> solution to keep the classpath in tact, but it doesn't solve the  
> modulepath problem required by other modules of the multimodule project.
> Robert
> Op Sun, 03 Jan 2016 18:59:25 +0100 schreef Igor Fedorenko  
> <>:
> > I agree that getCompileClasspathElements/getTestClasspathElements are
> > flawed, but I don't think adding
> > getCompileModulepathElements/getTestModulepathElements is a good idea.
> > MavenProject is supposed to be generic, and  modulepath is something
> > very specific to java 9. At the same time, compile mojo and surefire can
> > already derive all they need from project dependency artifacts, so these
> > two new methods appear to be redundant.
> >
> > I am also not sure if
> > getCompileModulepathElements/getTestModulepathElements will be generally
> > useful for other java-related plugins. For example, I couldn't use
> > existing getCompileClasspathElements/getTestClasspathElements in takari
> > lifecycle and I suspect I will not be able to use
> > getCompileModulepathElements/getTestModulepathElements either.
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