
a project of mine (jQAssistant) provides Maven plugin which includes a Mojo for creating reports for a Maven site:

@Mojo(name = "report", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.SITE)
public class ReportMojo extends AbstractMavenReport {

There seems to be a problem if the Maven plugin is declared as extension (which sometimes is necessary to avoid classloading problems for a Neo4j instance acting as singleton in the reactor):


In this case the following warning is rendered:

[WARNING] ignoring com.buschmais.jqassistant.scm:jqassistant-maven-plugin:1.1.2:report goal since it is not a report: should be removed from reporting configuration in POM

This warning is issued by DefaultMavenReportExecutor after passing the following line:

boolean isMavenReport = MavenReport.class.isAssignableFrom( mojoClass );

Is there a way to get around that (Maven 3.3.9)?

Best regards from Dresden

Dirk Mahler
Senior Consultant IT
buschmais GbR

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