Ironically, I've ported nvm (for node), but for Maven
<>, but ended up using sdkman later.

I wonder if it would be interesting to have a service to generate webhooks
and rss feeds for new versions/releases on github and apache overall.

-- Aldrin Leal, <> /

On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 2:41 AM, Karl Heinz Marbaise <>

> Hi,
> On 16/04/17 00:56, Marco Vermeulen wrote:
>> Hi Maven folks,
>> Some time ago I asked the Maven dev community whether they would be
>> willing
>> to publish their releases on SDKMAN! [1] using our Vendor API [2].
>> Unfortunately, my request was met with scepticism and ultimately resulted
>> in no action taken.
> What happended out of the idea to scan automatically[1] for new versions
> and insert the data automatically via a crawler which can for example scan
> maven central[2] where all releases of Maven will be distributed (also
> there is a REST API on Maven Central)...or the distirbution pages...
> [1]:
> [2]:
> e.maven%22%20AND%20a%3A%22apache-maven%22
>> I would like to appeal to the Maven dev community again to take on the
>> responsibility of managing their own releases on our platform.
> Hm...maybe I misunderstand here a thing but which responsibily does the
> Maven dev community has on your platform ?
> From my personell point view: none
> > The process
>> is very simple: It involves making a few REST calls to our API and
>> instantaneously releases become available for all the SDKMAN! users out
>> there.
> This is the point which is the problem...or the "scepticism" you
> mentioned...
> To be honest you seemed to be ignoring the suggestions for improvements on
> your platform which could make it easier to integrate parts on your
> platform...not only for us also for many other tools...which would improve
> the accepting for the support of your platform...
> In earlier days you have declined[1] to support maven at all now you have
> changed your mind which of course is fine...
> [3]:
>> Many other teams are already doing this, including Gradle, Kotlin, Groovy,
>> Ceylon and Spring Boot to name a few. It would be great to have you guys
>> on
>> board too.
>> I currently perform these releases for Maven manually, which unfortunately
>> is not something I can sustain going forward.
> If the sdkman user community has already asked for support why don't you
> solve the problem ?
> In three ways. Removing the manuall work for yourself, the acceptance of
> your platform to support more tools and finally fulfill the need of your
> user community...(Which I think is the most important part here).
> In particular if it could be done by using a curl call on maven central or
> a little bit more if you like to scan the
> istory.html page (jsoup is very easy) from your site...
> In a nutshell I would say why not implementing a scan service yourself
> which takes some time, but I got the impression that writing all these
> mails/tickets etc. and discussions takes more time than implementing such a
> service...
> Kind regards
> Karl Heinz Marbaise
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