
Thanks for describing your use case here on the list! As I am one of the
reporters for the tickets behind the change in question I'd like to
describe my reasoning:

First off, your use case is actually (if I understand it correctly)
standard for Maven usage. For a company environment I expect that central
repo (and any other external repo) to be proxied by a repo manager and
Maven should be configured to use the internal repo manager as mirror for
e.g. central. The idea is that Maven should NEVER go out on the Internet to
fetch artifacts (and archetypes are in fact artifacts).

However, the archetype maven plugin didn't cope well with that setup.
Regardless of a correctly Maven configuration it would reach out to the
Internet in many cases. And if you specified an archetype catalog via the
CLI param it would then often go out to the Internet to download the
archetype itself. It just didn't follow the Maven idea of convention over
configuration but the users had to do workarounds to get things to work
(like specifying the archetype catalog on the CLI although it actually
existed in there internal repo manager). If there was security (auth)
involved with the repos it got even more messy.

This we wanted to fix to simplify for our users. Possibly, not everything
worked out perfectly in v3.0.0 and there might be some bugs and I know
Robert has done some changes in this area in the upcoming v3.0.1.
Unfortunately I haven't had the time to verify and test this but I invite
you to help out by testing SNAPSHOT versions while changes are applied or
participate in the actual vote. By doing so you will ensure that your
actual use case is covered.


On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 4:42 PM, Amélie Deltour <>

> Sorry guys, but as a maven-archetype-plugin user I don't share your views
> on
> this subject.
> Of course, I totally agree with the aim of this new 3.x release and the
> idea to
> be compliant with Maven3 behaviour and in particular the security features.
> However, there have been quite a lot of complaints from users about
> regressions
> with this new plugin version.
> The ARCHETYPE-439 issue [1] you mention does not give much information
> about the
> reasons of these complaints.
> But you can see on ARCHETYPE-519 [2] comments that users *really* have a
> problem
> with this release, in case you doubt it.
> I will try to explain the use case.
> In my company we have several Maven archetypes allowing to create quickly
> new
> projects, with all our standard Maven setup and code skeleton.
> We use these archetypes quite a lot.
> The problem with the new release is the archetype *catalog*.
> Indeed the plugin needs a catalog to be able to use an archetype to create
> a new
> project.
> In our case, we use our own private catalog stored in our internal
> artifacts
> manager (Artifactory).
> With maven-archetype-plugin 2.4 we used to refer to this catalog with the
> -DarchetypeCatalog parameter.
> Now with the 3.x plugin we do not have the ability to refer to our catalog
> any more.
> The "remote" catalog represents the
> catalog file, as
> explained in the doc [3].
> But we don't want our archetypes to be published there...
> Or am I completely mistaken and did I miss anything about the new plugin
> behaviour?
> It is a good thing that the plugin now uses the Maven settings.xml, and
> only
> these settings, to resolve the archetypes from the standard artifact
> repository
> and associated settings, and not a custom archetype repository defined
> elsewhere.
> But the plugin should have the same behaviour regarding the catalog, i.e.
> be
> able to search the catalogs published in the repositories defined in
> settings.xml, and not restrain the catalogs being searched to only the
> Maven
> Central and local catalogs.
> So we don't ask to keep the archetypeCatalog parameter, what we need is
> just a
> way to keep a feature which is mandatory for us, the ability to use
> archetypes
> defined in a catalog that is not published in Maven Central (and not
> available
> locally on the machine either).
> I am convinced from ARCHETYPE-519 that many users need this feature.
> To my mind, the problem with the new plugin release is not a compatibility
> issue
> (i.e. a different way to use or configure Maven), but really a break in
> functionality i.e. a feature that is not available any more.
> BTW, the documentation about the new behaviour is not as clear as you say,
> the
> documentation still mentions "The Archetype Plugin can use catalogs from
> local
> filesystem and from HTTP connections." and "The Archetype Plugin can also
> read
> catalogs from filesystem/HTTP by providing the path/URL of a catalog file
> or of
> a directory containing an archetype-catalog.xml file." [4]
> I really hope you will understand the concern and do something about it,
> either
> revert the plugin or implement something allowing to use private remote
> catalogs.
> For the time being we need to stuck to the 2.4 version of the plugin but
> this is
> not an acceptable solution for the long-term.
> Regards,
> Amélie
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> e-catalog/archetype-catalog.html
> [4]
> specification/archetype-catalog.html
> On 05/08/2017 07:38 PM, Robert Scholte wrote:
>> So we have this plugin, which has been released lately as requested by the
>> community.
>> It has been released as a 3.x, so it now requires Maven3 and with this
>> major release[1] we used this opportunity to break compatibility in case
>> there are parameters we don't want to use anymore.
>> One of the things changed is the usage of the reference to the archetype
>> repository. The original implementation was based on Maven2 and wasn't
>> using all security features as available in Maven3. This also made it hard
>> to maintain.
>> So for example, now it is picking up the artifact repository manager by
>> default, it'll use its credentials when required, etc.
>> By removing these parameters is should also be easier to use this plugin
>> (less parameters =ess chance of mistakes)
>> So I think we made quite some people happy now that things are working
>> much more according to Maven default behavior. However, other have issues
>> to use the archetype. Sometimes it is because they are using deprecated
>> parameters (or use parameters which should have been removed as well),
>> others have a local setup which now requires to add the repository to
>> their settings.xml.
>> I still think that ARCHETYPE-439[2] is valid, so I'd prefer not to revert.
>> Instead I hope we can find a solution which will fit better for the most.
>> I can think of the following solutions:
>> 1. Continue with taken decision and further improve usage without extra
>> parameters
>> 2. Find somebody willing to maintain the plugin at ASF
>> 3. Donate the plugin
>> 4. Revert
>> #3 is a serious option, because it seems that within the team there's
>> nobody willing to maintain the plugin, probably due to other Maven
>> sub-projects which have a higher priority.
>> Any thoughts on this topic?
>> Robert
>> [1]
>> [2]
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