Am 2017-05-15 um 20:57 schrieb Robert Scholte:
IIRC 8, 9 and 10 change the current behavior of Maven a lot.

I think we should transform the use cases first to ITs based on
mock-repository-manager, which should make it a lot easier to understand
what's happening.
Next we need to decide what to change: code or documentation.

Right, I will pick up the dependency updates have this seconded by someone and start 1.1.0 release.

On Mon, 15 May 2017 17:12:04 +0200, Michael Osipov <>

Hi folks,

what to do with the remaining issues (pre-reset? Here is the list:
MRESOLVER-3 Update dependencies
MRESOLVER-8 ScopeDependencySelector incorrectly de-selects direct
MRESOLVER-9 DefaultDependencyCollector does not correctly handle
dependency management
MRESOLVER-10 New class 'TransitiveDependencyManager' supporting
transitive dependency management.
MRESOLVER-12 Addition of unit tests for the various DependencySelector
implementations to test things are working as documented.
MRESOLVER-15 Dependency updates

3 and 15 can be easily collapsed. What about the rest? I haven't yet
tried anything against our Core ITs.

I also tested the current Resolver master against our Core ITs. They
all pass.

What's next? Release 1.1.0 the way it is? Examine open issues?


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