Not sure how to do that in a non hackhish way.
My current goal: generate a bom style pom with all reactor projects in
dptMngt section.
As people are lazy to write dptMngt section in theirs poms they delegate to
others with this pom.
So as I'm lazy too I don't want to write/maintain this pom neither so I
prefer using a plugin for that :-)
So I create a new packaging type bom and enable it on a pom.
The plugin simply generate a pom.xml file with all content and the
calculated dptMngt section.
The only way I found to replace the current pom is to use: project.setFile(
the new pom file)

Any other way?

Olivier Lamy
http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy

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