The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven Javadoc Plugin, version 3.0.0-M1

The Javadoc Plugin uses the Javadoc tool to generate javadocs for the specified project.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

NOTE: this is a milestone release, because there are still some open issues which need to be fixed before the official 3.0.0, e.g. replace some deprecated parameters. This release is mainly there to provide a Java9 compatible plugin (previous versions fail the build), even though not all Java 9 features are supported yet.

Release Notes - Maven Javadoc Plugin - Version 3.0.0-M1

** Bug
* [MJAVADOC-467] - Aggregator reports should not require modules to be installed/deployed.
    * [MJAVADOC-472] - Conflicting dependency of plexus-utils are used
    * [MJAVADOC-476] - Remove link to non-existing Codehaus wiki
* [MJAVADOC-477] - Use Javadoc instead of JavaDoc in the reporting output

** Dependency upgrade
    * [MJAVADOC-485] - Upgrade to commons-lang3
    * [MJAVADOC-486] - Upgrade to Doxia 1.7

** Improvement
    * [MJAVADOC-387] - Handle JDK8 -Xdoclint
    * [MJAVADOC-456] - Upgrade to Maven3 plugin

** Task
    * [MJAVADOC-458] - Upgrade of plexus-archiver to 3.4.
    * [MJAVADOC-459] - Upgrade of maven-archiver to 3.1.0.
    * [MJAVADOC-460] - Upgrade of maven-archiver to 3.1.1.
    * [MJAVADOC-461] - Upgrade of maven-plugins parent to 30.
    * [MJAVADOC-463] - Upgrade of commons-logging to 1.2.
    * [MJAVADOC-464] - Upgrade of log4j to 1.2.17.
    * [MJAVADOC-465] - Upgrade of commons-lang to 2.6.
    * [MJAVADOC-466] - Upgrade of httpclient to 4.5.2.
    * [MJAVADOC-474] - Deprecate parameter additionalparam
    * [MJAVADOC-491] - Require Java 7


-The Apache Maven team

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