I would like to write a Maven plugin that among other things manipulates
(both add/update) the POM model available at MavenProjects.getModel() while
executing Maven phase goals, such as "test" and "site", so that for
instance I can:

1) Add a <reporting/> node along with plugins inside, so that when the
"site" phase runs, those plugins can be used to generate reports
2) On the fly add plugins to <build/>, along with <executions/> for those
plugins, so that they run as part of other phases.
3) Fro plugins that are already in the POM model, update things like
versions, <executions/>.

I already wrote the plugin, and wrote Java code to make the necessary
additions/update to the POM. I've injected MavenProject into my Mojo via
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project}")

private MavenProject project;

But those additions/changes to the POM Model object are being ignored.
For exaxample,

one use case I have is to tack on <reporting/> with a bunch of plugins

and reports they should generate. I execute my custom logic as part of

the pre-site face (I create a Mojo and configured its goal to run with
pre-site). Then n

in the code of the Mojo I do the additions/updates to the POM. But
when "site" phase runs,

the reports added to the POM not executing.

Am I missing something fundamental about Maven POM? Are modifications
to POM at runtime

not allowed? I suspect this is the reason, but I wanted to confirmed with

more experienced Maven developers.

Thank you, and let me know what other details I can provide to clarify things.



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