Am Mon, 12 Mar 2018 01:12:52 +0100 schrieb Hervé BOUTEMY:


>> > Why is <profiles/> required for consumers? I'm not aware how profiles
>> > of a dependency ever play(ed) a role in my "dependent" project?
>> I can remember we had a discussion about first reaction would
>> be saying no profiles needed in a consumer pom...but I'm not 100%
>> sure...we need to think that more in detail with different scenarios..
> Robert has a strong opinion on this, for profiles activated by OS or JDK
> version, like flatten-maven-plugin

How would you solve this case then:

Somewhere in a parent pom:
============== %< =============
  <!-- following more variants for supported platforms -->
============== %< =============

Somewhere in a child project X:

============== %< =============
============== %< =============

What would a consumer-pom.xml of X look like and how can a client of X 
still depend on the proper dependency for its target platform?


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