I am trying to get my feet wet with plugin development, and struggling with
some of the basics.I am trying to get the resource I am copying into the
build directory to be filtered in the same way that the maven resources
plugin works. I could manually filter for only my own properties, but I
would like to filter everything in the same way the resources plugin does.

I have a basic project folder set up as such:


Main looks like

@Mojo(name = "build", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.INSTALL,
requiresProject = true)
public class MyMojo
        extends AbstractMojo
    @Parameter(property = "my.property", required = true)
    private File myProperty;

    @Parameter(property = "project.build.directory", required = true)
    private File outputDirectory;

    public void execute()
            throws MojoExecutionException
        try {
            InputStream systemResourceAsStream =
        } catch (IOException e) {


pom.xml is that which generated from the archetype.

I tried looking at online examples, but I cannot seem to find anything
between very basic, and very complex examples.

Thank you for any assistance,

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