[ERROR] Unknown packaging: bundle @ line 6, column 16 at 
(DefaultProjectBuilder.java:205) at 
(DefaultProjectBuilder.java:340) at 
 (RepositoryUtils.java:125) at 

Based on this stacktrace the root cause is in Maven.

So a little bit more details: the code tries to gather all licenses, see the 
code of the getDependencyRow method. Because of the inheritence it can't simply 
read the pom, it must respect all its parents too.
My first impression is that using a ProjectBuilder comes with too much 
overhead. Instead I would try to use a ModelBuilder instead. It's result will 
be an effective model containing all licenses.

To guide you in the right direction:
I'd suggest to make an integrationtest under 
src/it/MPIR-374-dependencymanagement-bundle with only a pom, containing only 
dependencyManagement for 
Also add the following verify.groovy script:
  def buildLog = new File( basedir, 'build.log' )
  assert !( buildLog.text =~ /\[ERROR\] Unknown packaging: bundle/ )

Now run it with mvn verify -Prun-its -Dinvoker.test=MPIR-374*
It should fail because the build.log contains the error message.

I hope this is enough information to continue and hopefully fix this issue.


On 18-6-2019 04:29:06, Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com> wrote:
+1 :)
Will be happy to help with this release :)

BTW can someone take a look at this
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MPIR-374 issue?
Or maybe any pointer on where to look? I spent some time trying to fix it,
but no luck :(

On Tue, 18 Jun 2019 at 00:31, Peter Somogyi wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to ask if there are any plans to release version 3.0.1 from Maven
> Project Info Reports Plugin in the near future.
> There is a bug in 3.0.0 which generates the email links incorrectly. As a
> result, the mailing list subscribe URLs give 404 error message on HBase's
> Mailing Lists page. This bug was fixed in MPIR-380
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MPIR-380> back in February but there
> was no release since then.
> HBase is using this version via the latest ASF parent pom
> https://github.com/apache/maven-apache-parent/blob/apache-21/pom.xml#L210-L214
> >
> Thanks,
> Peter

Maxim aka solomax

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