
My name is Gabriel Dicu.I am currently working with apache maven and I’d like 
to make a suggestion about improving maven dependency structure.In my opinion, 
dependencies should be organized better, because is difficult to spot 
dependencies for different scopes.I think it is a good approach to group 
dependencies by their scopes, thus having parent tags for each scope like:
    <scope value=”runtime”>
<!—this is the default scope-->
<scope value=”test”>

In this way you can organize better the dependencies and spot easily the 
different scopes.It also can help identify the runtime/compile/etc..  
production dependencies and separate them from testing ones, which can be less 
important in many cases.

Thanks for taking the time for reading this, and if this approach can be 
I can be reached at the following email address dikugabri...@yahoo.com for more 

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