Selenium co-creator here (albeit v1),

WebElement is pubic API and not impl-detail.  If you're making a library
for downstream *testing* teams to use, then selenium-java jumps from
test-scope to prod-scope of course and is now a transitive dep. Many
build/test tools makers are in the same place for "what is our prod code vs
test code".

And in that we-ship-a-lib-that-uses-selenium space, then perhaps there
you're wanting to wrap WebElement. I do so for FluentSelenium -
- but even then I make a getWebElement() for situations where they *really
frickin want to*.

If not a we-ship-a-lib-that-uses-selenium case, then I'm not following -
Selenium is classically a test-scoped thing.

If you're worried about hacker teams quietly promoting selenium-java from
test-scope to no-scope and then those jars quietly being zipped into the
(say) WAR file that heads to production, just use mvn-dependency:tree and
python to discover that's happened, or unzip the uber/shade jar to look for
verbotten classes, and then fail the CI build.

On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 11:00 PM Scott Wilson <> wrote:

> Hi Paul
> I write test automation and try to stick to a solid design. I find others
> break solid design principles so having a <main> scope will prevent people
> from breaking some basic principles.
> For example, if using Selenium I've seen multiple people expose WebElement
> in a public method (that should be a private implementation detail). This
> is just an example of horrible implementation I've seen multiple people do
> without thinking. The new <main> scope will not prevent that however it
> will prevent the following.
> I've seen people create src/tst/java/helloworld/ which accesses
> a WebElement directly in their Junit / TestNG class. The new <main> scope
> will prevent stuff like that from happening. What they should really do is
> create src/main/java/helloworld/ which implements the
> functionality using WebElement, then get an instance of MyPage from their
> src/tst/java/helloworld/
> That is just one obvious example but I've seen other poor implementations
> using other dependencies which are as obvious what is good vs bad design
> unless this principle is understood.
> Scott
> On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 11:43 PM Karl Heinz Marbaise <>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On 23.01.20 00:59, Scott Wilson wrote:
> > > *Hi Robert and devs*
> > >
> > >
> > > *I have been using maven for a few years and I LOVE it!*
> > >
> > >
> > > *I have a feature request.*
> > >
> > >
> > > *(1) When adding a dependency to pom.xml the default scope is
> everywhere*
> > >
> > > *ie src/main/java/....*
> > >
> > > *and src/tst/java/...*
> > >
> > >
> > > *(2) When adding <test> as the scope then the dependency can ONLY be
> used
> > > under src/tst/java...*
> > >
> > > *If referencing the dependency in src/main/java/... then it will not
> > > compile* >
> > >
> > > *(3) My feature request:*
> > >
> > > *I want the exact opposite. I'd like a new scope called <main>*
> > >
> > > *If the scope is <main> then the dependency can ONLY be used under
> > > src/main/java/...*
> > >
> > > *If referencing the dependency in tst/main/java/.... then it will not
> > > compile*
> >
> > This would result in the problem that you neever can run / compile your
> > unit- and integration tests cause something is missing on the classpath
> > so in result your project would be unusable...
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > *I read up on scopes
> > > (**
> >
> > > <
> >
> > >)
> > > *and
> > > AFAIK this is not currently supported, but I have a specific reason for
> > > wanting this.
> >
> > It would be great if you could shared this with us
> >
> >
> > Kind regards
> > Karl Heinz Marbaise
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > *I'd really appreciate if someone can add that for me and let me know
> > when
> > > it's done.*
> > >
> > > *Please let me know if you have any questions.*
> > >
> > >
> > > *Regards*
> > >
> > > *Scott Wilson*
> > >
> > > * <>*
> > >
> >

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