On 2020-07-29T12:22:33 +0200
Michael Osipov <micha...@apache.org> wrote:
> I think your usage is correct. Maybe the docs aren't sharp enough saying 
> that those case just examples which require a provided scope. You can, 
> of course, improve the docs in such a fashion.
> Out of couriosity, can you give you can example for your usecase?

I frequently use `provided` for compile-time only annotations. For
example, the immutables.org generator uses annotations to generate
immutable record types. The OSGi bundle annotations are processed by
the bnd-* plugin family and allow for adding extra information to OSGi
manifests in jar files. None of those annotations are retained, and we
don't expect anything to be available at runtime.

Mark Raynsford | https://www.io7m.com

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