Spoken just like someone who deals with people from high school in 2005.

I certainly care about reproducible builds - maybe not to the level of
some, but when working on projects that span multiple years, have multiple
deployments in different data centres for different customers, with
different versions deployed - that all need to be able to be maintained.

Being able to check out the version of the project that would deployed 2
years ago, and rebuild it with the exact same packages and get the same
build back - makes patching so much easier.

With a project made up on around 90 repos/artifacts ( non multi module - so
different releasee cadences across the board ), being able to check out
that old version - build it, reproduce the problem, patch one, maybe two
modules, and rebuild the platform for distribution with the minimum of
surface area change possible - for that patch release - and being able to
do that without major issue, in a short period of time - is a god send.

Sure, it MAY incur some upfront and ongoing costs - but the pay off, when
needed - is wonderful.

the level of frustration people have with Maven and its enthrallment with
XML at this point

I see a lot of folk grumble about XML, or mostly - the over use of elements
vs attributes, however, knowing that *everything* is an element (config
aside in a few plugins) is also a godsend for both tooling, and consistency.

I see far more people grumble about Gradle’s blend of DSL and Groovy
programming, and the dark majick that obscures where one changes from the
other ( I believe this is mitigated largely with the Kotlin DSL ).

You won’t have to look far to find someone, even those on the dev team who
don’t agree that the POM needs to change - but adoption, and usage is now
far far *beyond* merely just “Apache Maven” itself - so it’s not the
easiest thing to change.

You mention that 12 line SBT build - that’s great, but the moment you need
to deviate from something normal - it can deviate quite quickly IMHO.

From: Hunter C Payne <hunterpayne2...@yahoo.com.invalid>
Reply: Maven Developers List <dev@maven.apache.org> <dev@maven.apache.org>
Date: 14 December 2020 at 10:06:25 AM
To: Maven Developers List <dev@maven.apache.org> <dev@maven.apache.org>
Subject:  Re: [DISCUSS] Allow attributes shorthand in pom.xml

Hunter PS I've never even heard someone want a repeatable build.  I have no
idea why that would even be that desirable.

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