Hi Hervé

Thanks for good words about my project.

1. There is already a request for the feature of automatically generating
keys map file [2]
The keys map file format is described with examples at project page [3]
The keys map is similar to java properties with exception about ':'
(colon), in java properties colon separate key and value. Of course every
idea is welcome.

2.  For multi-module maven projects we have to challenge how to share one
resource with all project modules.
I know some ways:
- external project with resources
- special module in project, but in this case we must refactor project
structure like in IT test sigOkKeysMapMultiModule [4]
- we can also use assembly plugin to attach special artifact to project
root module like I did in project pgp-keys-map [5]

[2] https://github.com/s4u/pgpverify-maven-plugin/issues/84
[3] https://www.simplify4u.org/pgpverify-maven-plugin/keysmap-format.html
[5] https://github.com/s4u/pgp-keys-map

śr., 10 mar 2021 o 21:48 Hervé BOUTEMY <herve.bout...@free.fr> napisał(a):

> Hi Slawomir,
> I just tested pgpverify-maven-plugin on maven-artifact-plugin [1].
> I was successful, really nice.
> From that experience, I have some questions on the keys map file:
> 1. is there a way to ease the creation of the file content?
> currently, I had to copy paste output, check that I trusted the keys
> (which of course can't be automated), and then had to do a lot of
> modifications to match the properties file format. Would it be possible to
> have a default output that matches properties format, so reviewing and
> injecting content would be easier?
> 2. I also tested on a multi-module project (like maven-archetype-bundles),
> and I could not configure the plugin to use one single keys map for the
> whole build: creating 1 file per module is really cumbersome.
> Did you imagine a way to share the same map file in a multi-module build?
> This plugin is really nice, the hard part is about writing keys map file...
> Regards,
> Hervé
> [1]
> https://github.com/apache/maven-artifact-plugin/commit/41df63adaf91f0c481fff9347abb2dbeb7022f5b

Sławomir Jaranowski

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