Hi all,

Before we reroll the failed 3.8.0 I'd like we discuss openly the next
versioning since it seems we didn't reach a consensus yet and trying to not
create too much friction for users and in the community.

As a reminder the only feature the release will get is to prevent HTTP repo
(in favor of HTTPS ones). In that regard it is a breaking change if users
rely on HTTP repo but a security fix (I don't come back on the HTTP ->
HTTPS move IT ecosystem got recently here).

So it seems there are multiple versioning options:

1. 3.6.4: seems natural since it is a security fix, enables companies to
get this fix respecting a project versioning policy without having to
upgrade and avoids us to have to maintain 3.6 + 3.7/3.8 and soon 4.x.
Indeed it requires a very well documented paragraph about this change and
how to workaround it (local proxy/mirror is a trivial one for example) but
it will be the case whatever version we pick anyway IMHO.
2. 3.7.0: since it is a breaking change it can seem natural too (but has
the pitfall to likely require a backport in 3.6 anyway, due to the
versioning policies which can prevent some users to upgrade to a 3.7)
3. 3.8.0: was the vote, seems the rational was that originally we
targetting mvnw in 3.7 and since we didn't make it 3.8 was used. Have to
admit I'm not sure of this reasoning more than that (cause for me if we
don't have a planned feature we can either try to push/wait for it or
postpone it but not skip a version due to that) so if anyone wants to
complete the reasoning here it would be great.

Indeed my preference is for 3.6.4 which has the most advantages for
everyone and no additional drawbacks compared to 3.7 or 3.8 options until
we try to push to get mvnw in which would mean 3.7 becomes more natural
(and likely imply a 3.6.x maintenance version).

Goal of this thread is to feel the overall trend and see if we can refine
the proposals (for example: can we drop 3.8 one and only keep 3.7 and 3.6
or - best - can we refine it to a single version after some exchanges).
If we keep a few proposals after some days, what about a vote where the
majority wins - we would just need to define how we count,
bindings/committers/all (my preference being last one indeed)?

Romain Manni-Bucau
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