I've been running a few tests to measure performances.
This simplistic test looks like running the following command in a loop and
measure the execution time.  This is done on a quite big project so that a
bunch of pom files are actually read.

for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ; do time $MAVEN_HOME/bin/mvn -DskipTests
-Dmaven.experimental.buildconsumer=true help:evaluate
-Dexpression=java.io.tmpdir -DforceStdout -q ; done

The average results are the following:
   Maven 4 with build/consumer:  28,40s
   Maven 4 w/out build/consumer: 23,43s
   Maven 3:                      21,54s

I find the 20% performance loss of the build/consumer feature quite
problematic.  I hinted about those possible performance problems when
reviewing the original PR, so I'd like to see if I can investigate a
different way of achieving the transformation.  I think the main
performance cost comes from using the following pattern:
  read file -> parse using JAXP -> transform using TRAX -> write to stream
  read stream -> parse using XPP3
The first step is performed in a separate thread and the output written to
a pipe stream which is used as the input of the usual pom parser.  This
double parsing step, in addition to using the JAXP / TRAX api, which is not
the fastest one, comes at a heavy cost.

I see two ways to solve the problem:
  * refactor the build/consumer feature to use a different API so that the
parsing can be done in a single step (this would mean defining an XmlFilter
interface to do the filtering and wrapping it inside an XmlPullParser)
  * get rid of the Xpp3 implementation and use the more common Stax api
which already defines filters

The second option has some drawbacks though: all the plugin configuration
done using Xpp3Dom would not work anymore, so this is a very big and
incompatible change.

I'm thus willing to investigate the first option and see what can be done.
If there's a consensus, I'll start working on a POC about the api / filters
and will get back to this list with some more information.

Guillaume Nodet

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