
Greate plan.

According to that we want don't support old version we should update
release history page [1]
We should clear communicate to user what is supported.

Now version less than 3.0.x are officially marked for EOL

I think that the truth is that versions less than 3.8.x are also EOL.

[1] https://maven.apache.org/docs/history.html

czw., 7 kwi 2022 o 10:18 Tamás Cservenák <ta...@cservenak.net> napisał(a):

> ... to not dissipate and reduce our (effort) losses :)
> Howdy,
> In short, I think we can agree on this sentence:
> "we need to get rid of maven 3.8.x as fast as possible, release maven 3.9.x
> and once out, keep it on regression fixes until maven 4 is ready".
> # Get rid of Maven 3.8.x
> Hence, I think we MUST do 3.8.6, as there is one regression that it IMHO a
> must:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20MNG%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%203.8.6%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC%2C%20updated%20DESC
> There are some other issues "affects 3.8.5" but I don't see them as
> blockers (but please argue if you disagree):
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20MNG%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20affectedVersion%20%3D%203.8.5%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC%2C%20updated%20DESC
> Out of them:
> MNG-7432 [REGRESSION] Dependencies from profile not picked up via
> -P<profileName>
> Must be fixed (PR merge pending)
> MNG-7433 [REGRESSION] Multiple maven instances working on same source tree
> can lock each other
> Fluke IMHO, but as Dan is an old Maven biker, I think he uses Takari
> Lifecycle plus maybe even Takari Local Repo extension, unsure. Definitely
> this looks too vague to me, as Guillaume PR for sure cannot deadlock two
> JVMs.... (it uses in-JVM locks).
> MNG-7449 [REGRESSION] StringVisitorModelInterpolator NullPointerException
> Anyone? Unsure what is happening here, also how are these "new classes in
> 3.8.5"?
> MNG-7441 Update Version of Logback to Address CVE-2021-42550
> We should do this, as we plan to keep 3.8.x on the shelf for a while.
> Hence, we will get more and more reports like these from end users. Let's
> cut it from the root.
> MNG-7438 add execution id to "Configuring mojo xxx with basic configurator"
> debug message
> IMHO: nope
> MNG-4917 Profile not active even though it has activeByDefault set to true
> IMHO: nope -- this issue is 12 years old!
> MNG-7429 The classloader containing build extensions should be used
> throughout the build
> IMHO nope: (unless regression from some 3.8.x)
> MNG-7448 if we delete bin directory in apache-maven/src, we can not find
> because git has ignore it .
> IMHO nope: ???
> MNG-7439 Make fields of CliRequest protected
> IMHO nope
> So, let's agree on what to fix for 3.8.6 and push it out... and once 3.8.6
> out, forget it, no more fixes (unless some really serious regression is
> reported, but otherwise nada).
> # Maven 3.9.x
> IMHO, Maven 3.9.0 should wait for resolver 1.8.x (has one remaining PR
> ready to merge) as then Maven will get much much more goodness (not only
> 1.7.x locking, but also extensible checksums, smart checksums, provided
> checksums, DF and BF collector, ability for signature resolution, proper
> ignores for artifacts not needed checksums). To make smart checksums usable
> for maven, http transport is needed as well (PR as it is no go, it needs to
> make Wagon still remain default transport, will fix that). Or, we could
> make it as is, and then if anyone has issues or badly wants Wagon, there is
> a command line to make it so....
> So, IMHO, for 3.9.x
> - Port fixes that we decide to be done in 3.8.6 naturally
> - Use resolver 1.8.0 (wait for it, one remaining PR merge, released
> hopefully very soon)
> - Apply https://github.com/apache/maven/pull/635 and decide: keep Wagon
> default or not. Also this PR would get rid of shaded stuff as well.
> And that's pretty much it. Keep 3.9.x on regression fixes only (so only if
> some serious regression falls in).
> # Maven 4
> Guillaume already did a huge amount of work that he probably needs help on,
> so help him to wrap up things....
> T

Sławomir Jaranowski

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