
Here is this thread:

In short, user is _partially_ building a module, and invokes deploy:deploy,
that now fails, as since 3.x version of install/deploy, there is a "safety
check" in these mojos, to not deploy partially (here it would deploy POM
with packaging jar, but the main artifact is NOT built, only a classified
one). User opted for this solution as it is "one liner", as deploy-file
would require MANY parameters (does not reuse POM values).


So, what about a new mojo for install/deploy plugins? (symmetrically for
both install/deploy plugins, but explaining on case of deploy)

deploy:deploy -- unchanged, works as today: "deploy project" and enforces
repository hygiene, fails if POM refers to main artifact that is not present
deploy:deploy-file -- unchanged, works as today, "deploy file" and neglects
exiting POM and requires MANY parameters

and a new goal:
deploy:deploy-artifacts -- this is a "mesh" between two above but would
NEVER deploy POM. What this goal would essentially do, is "just blindly"
deploy any (packaged) artifact (main or attached/classified) but would NOT
deploy a POM. Even if one classified artifact is present, it would deploy
it. It MAY fail if invoked and the project has NOTHING to deploy. So, like
deploy-file but needs a project (to reuse coordinates from it)

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