not sure how useful this feature is...
I would say just drop it...
quick search on github cannot find usage of it...

On Fri, 10 Mar 2023 at 00:44, Tamás Cservenák <> wrote:
> Howdy,
> I would like to share (and possibly exchange) some recollections about the
> m-remote-resource-p.
> For start, there is an ongoing PR to drop all the accumulated legacy stuff:
> But what caught my eye are these lines:
> In short, what this plugin does is (should be) nearly trivial: collect
> project, project dependencies, resolve some resource bundles, apply
> Velocity templates, done.
> BUT, due to the comment and removal of `requiresDependencyResolution` this
> plugin does what Maven should be doing: resolves/collects and builds
> transitive deps. And I feel this is wrong.
> As you see in comment, the REASON of removal (and hence bloating the Mojo
> with all-the-stuff-that-Maven-should-do) was to implement
> that again looks like
> some 'wish" issue, with idea "to mimic the assembly plugin's
> runOnlyAtExecutionRoot flag". Also, to me this "smells" like aggregation
> without aggregator (and resolution without Maven) -- so just a WTH moment
> one after another.
> I find this wrong, as it sacrifices simplicity and reusability (plugin must
> do what Maven already does for plugin, if asked for), and it resulted in
> this plugin to become bloat, and later totally neglected and full of
> booby-traps.
> So, my proposal is like in PR:
> 1. return this Mojo switch `requiresDependencyResolution=TEST` and let Mojo
> filter as it needs. This is already done in PR and big chunk of code is
> gone, all tests except the one IT that tests the runOnlyAtExecutionRoot
> passes OK.
> 2. above implies we drop runOnlyAtExecutionRoot, everything else remains,
> 3. introduce new mojo aggregate-process (as in PR), that really does what
> it says: will collect all DEPENDENCIES in BULK at parent level. There
> are two shortcomings (as seen in IT_RunOnlyAtExecutionRoot source): it is
> IN BULK, and for this to work, a goal is needed that will produce
> inter-project dependencies, otherwise build fails.
> With these changes all passes OK and IMO the plugin itself became much
> simpler and easier to understand.
> In short, if you have any idea, I am listening!
> Thanks
> T

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