Le mer. 3 janv. 2024 à 19:25, Martin Desruisseaux <
martin.desruisse...@geomatys.com> a écrit :

> Le 2024-01-03 à 17 h 15, Romain Manni-Bucau a écrit :
> > see it as "where classpath is in core comes from the time maven was
> > only for java libs" (i'd say maven 2 cause I don't know maven 1).
> >
> The CLASSPATH_CONSTITUENT property and related isAddedToClasspath()
> methods were added in Maven 4. I let you (Maven core developers) choose
> where to put those properties/methods. My point is that everywhere there
> is non-deprecated class-path, should be module-path too.

I understood but the assumption that what is not deprecated is an example
is something I wouldn't risk to bet on so maybe better to be in the mindset
"what looks correct" (just my 2 cts).

> > From what I understood it uses the getpathtype methods of your PR and
> > limits the type to CLASSES or MODULE, this is where I'm a bit lost.
> >
> This is a limitation of the current version of DependencyProperties,
> because it uses boolean flags for specifying whether a dependency should
> be on the CLASSES set or the MODULES set. So we are limited by the
> predefined set of boolean flags. This is why I proposed to replace them
> by a single property giving directly the PathType values. This is a
> minor change, but maybe I should add a commit for that change now for
> clarity.

Ok, so it does not work as this but you explained the proposal in a few
iterations, got it now, thanks, was starting to be lost!

> > A lib consumed both as a class path element or module path element
> > (most libs) generally compiles using classpath and renders the javadoc
> > with module
> >
> I'm not sure what you mean. Class-path / module-path apply to the
> dependencies, not to the module that we are compiling (unless you are
> talking about Module Source Hierarchy, but this is another topic). If
> you mean that libs generally compile with their dependencies on the
> class-path, this is not true if for JPMS module. To prove my point, I
> have created yet another test case:
>     https://github.com/Geomatys/MavenModulepathBug/tree/modularized-client
> See instruction in the readme. Can you compile this test case with the
> dependency on the class-path, without omitting the module-info in the
> compilation?

This is exactly the case, module-info is injected somehow - a common case
is by generating its bytecode but multiple compiler executions is another
Now, enhance your example to consume a jar where implicit module name would
be invalid for example, how would you compile?

That said it is also true this is not a big deal which dispatching works as
before probably and the configuration of dependencies can still be done per
plugin (javadoc rendering modules and compilation being done on classpath
even with 2 passes).

> > Today javadoc plugin compensate that by *not* respecting the pom
> > configuration (it has yet another "guess" algorithm which works not
> > bad) but your wish is to drop that so all the current functional cases
> > would be broken or you would have to keep what you don't want in the
> > plugin
> >
> If you are talking about javadoc:aggregate, indeed I would not touch
> that part. This particular case lives in its own world. But
> javadoc:javadoc would work in the same way as java, javac and all other
> standard tools.

javadoc:javadoc ->

>      Martin

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