I help maintain Maven tooling for To Be Continuous, a GitLab CI/CD
catalog of pluggable pipeline configurations.

There is some discussion on the use of the JVM property,
`-Dmaven.repo.local=path' and the note on "Configuring your Local
Repository" (see [1]). Initially I was going to post to the user list,
but being a development question against the internals of Maven, I
thought this a better forum.

There is an admonition on the referenced page:

/Note: The local repository _must_ be an absolute path./ (emphasis mine)

Is this specifically noted for the use of the settings.localRepository
only or does the note extend to the use of the JVM property? I searched
the GitHub repo for a examples and found numerous uses of relative
paths, e.g., `../.repository` and others.

Seeking clarification as I could not immediately determine the internal
use of `maven.repo.local' property when set.


[1] https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-configuring-maven.html#configuring-your-local-repository
Timothy Stone
Some call me ... Tim.
Husband, Father, Blogger, OSS, Wargamer, Home Brewer, and D&D
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