> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pablo Lalloni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 9:36 PM
> Subject: jar & war plugins
> I just wanted to know if the jar plugin is going to be modified so it
> make deployments through the artifact plugin... 

Not for Maven 1.0.

Atifact plugin (in fact it's more tag liblary then plugin) does not yet
support secure deployemnts to repositories over scp protocol
( artifact plugin requires that passwords are kept in open text in
properties files ).

After Maven 1.0 (probably Maven 1.1) there are plans to integrate Wagon with
Maven. Wagon is small liblary which will allow to deploy and fetch artifacts

from repositories using http, ssh, ftp and file protocols. Protocols
providers are pluggabe and more can be added but existing list probably
already covers most of the cases. 

> See, I've done this modification for the project I'm working on but
> don't like the idea of having our own versions of maven plugins, so
> maybe I could send/submit/whatever the modifications to be 
> incorporated
> in maven distribution.
> I've also modified the war plugin to support setting the ClassPath on
> the manifest file just like the ejb and ear plugin does.

You might check issues which are stored in maven's JIRA. This issue is
alredy there with some comments.


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