Quoting Maczka Michal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I am not sure if this is something we want to promote as this couples many
> existing plugins in rather nasty way
> and uses properties of mutiproject plugin for plugin which have nothing to
> do with multiproject.

I know and agree... but it's all we have for now. It's a nice feature to have
and not the worst example in maven1 :)

> also there are some hardcoded values in this code like:
> >   +          <root url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/webapp"   ( I always use
> $MODULE_DIR$/src/main/webapp_

oops... that should be ${war.src.dir}

> >value="jar://${maven.repo.local}/j2ee/jars/j2ee-1.3.jar!/" />
> > value="jar://${maven.repo.local}/servletapi/jars/servletapi-2.3.jar!/"/>

yep - but it's no worse than leaving it out (in some cases it will work), and I
thought declaring deps on these in the idea plugin was going too far :)

> (those two can be most likley taken from pom)

If downloading could be triggered only when needed, that would be ok.

> But honestly I don't have any better idea how to do this with maven1
> (excluding the removal of hardcoded values)


> This is quite nice use case for m2 :)

Yep. Hopefully we can backport the m2 IDEA plugin soon.

- Brett

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