On Sun, 2004-06-06 at 19:45, Brett Porter wrote:
> Jerome, while your effort in doing all of this work is appreciated, it might be
> worth asking here first what is most needed, or addressing outstanding issues. A
> lot of this code is already considered legacy and moving to other modules, and
> I'd hate for your efforts to go to waste.


thanks for you clarifying that point. Let me try to explain my approach.

If I want to spend time fixing outstanding issues, I first have to know
a little bit more of maven internals. To do that, my approach is to look
at some easy issues, if I find any, and to read the code. When I read
the code, if I find something I don't like, I fix it. That's what there
have been several pretty trivial patch from me earlier this week.

The lack of download feedback one is particularly affecting me because
of the very slow line I get these days, and the fact I have been spoiled
by the quality of the package management in my favorite Linux distro. So
using maven to download things there and there is particularly
frustrating these days, hence my will to enhance it.

Even if the patches are not needed, I learn something. So not all is

But you raise an interesting point: the fact that I may be working on
legacy code. It is quite hard for me to say which one is there to stay,
which one is there to go.

I have subscribed to the m2-dev list and will try to review the design
documents ASAP. But I didn't have the time yet. In the mean time, my
understanding is the following. M2 design is very different, so
compatibility with m1 is not possible. That sounds nice, and close to
the "design twice, code once" or "plan to throw one design away" maxims,
but I am not knowledgeable at all in that area in terms of code reuse
(haven't had to do that yet, at least not fully). So I am a little bit
lost as to what will stay (even partially) and what will not.

I will try to follow up m2 in a closer way to get a better idea of the
upcoming changes, but any hint in the meantime will be appreciated.

In the mean time, I see that there's a maven 1.1. If my patches aren't
to go for 1.0, maybe they can be applied on 1.1? I haven't yet seen any
release plans for 2.0, and I guess it is way to early to talk about,
especially when 1.0 is not yet out. Maybe it will take 1 or 2 years
before 2.0 is out. In that case, I don't see why some fixes shouldn't
make it on the trunc.

Any feedback highly appreciated. I am able to allocate some hours this
month and I would really like to spend them on maven.

> Brett


PS: sorry for the long mail.

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