On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 21:19, Jerome Lacoste wrote:
> > This is for the most simple of builds with one source file. Just really
> > an illustration of initialization time.
> Interesting.
> Do you know where does that difference come from?

As I haven't even started optimizing or profiling I would speculate it
results from trying to shed all dependencies possible, and using tools
like the xpp3 parser to serialize/deserialize the model and thus
avoiding the grossly ineffecient commons-digester/beanutils/collections.

> Is there a way to enable profiling? 

No, I would just use a profiler or possibly an aspect.

> I remember Jira having a very nice filter allowing to enable profiling. I wonder if 
> it's possible and interesting to introduced something like that within maven.

I don't really see any benefit in doing that i.e. building that into
maven when you can do profiling with a tool.

> But I guess that maven is more predictable than an application using various SQL 
> queries on top of various DBMS.

It's not a matter of being predictable, but rather doing analysis where
appropriate. I wouldn't bother introducing a complicated mechanism in
maven itself for profiling when an external tool would be much more

> Jerome
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Jason van Zyl

happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will
elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come
and sit softly on your shoulder ...

 -- Thoreau 

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