but from ant/maven?

cd .. && tar cvf ...
too, I'm confortable with bash for this...
I'ts the proper maven way seeking am I

Martin van den Bemt wrote:

tar cvfz ../srouces.tgz . should do the trick..


On Wed, 2004-06-30 at 15:04, Miguel Griffa wrote:

Hi all
I'd like to make a tar file of current directory, but including cur dir in tar
can I cd .. ?
I'd like to do this:

   cd ..
   tar cvf sources.tar maven maven-plugins

I'm having trouble with the cd .. and the problem of creating a tar file from cur dir, any hint?
is for MAVEN-1267 <http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVEN-1267>
Thanks in advance

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