ibiblio - /public/html/maven/create-checksums

It's been overwritten again and is owned by you - I presumed it was some script you had on another server that was getting synced in.

The problem is it uses some "md5" command that is not present on ibiblio.



Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Ok, is this a script that runs on ibiblio or minotaur? Many of the md5's come from the apache java-repository, I suspect if they are not fixed there that they will be replaced during the rsync process.


Ben Walding wrote:

Some other server keeps hosing the create-checksums script I use to generate the md5 files.

I fixed it once, but it appears to have been broken again.

Mark Diggory owns the script after it has been destroyed, so I blame him ;)

It is fixed now, we'll see if it can be overwritten now.

Joachim Bader wrote:


the md5 files on http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/hsqldb/jars/
are empty.

Should I create an issue in jira? (MAVENUPLOAD?)
Should I create the md5 files (and attach the files to a jira issue)?


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