Felipe Leme wrote:
On Tue, 2004-08-24 at 22:47, Jason van Zyl wrote:

issues. We can't put (L)GPL stuff in Apache hardware period.

Better remove my bundle then :-(

No, the LGPL projects get submited to Maven/ibiblio for publishing, not to the ASF Repository. Your requesting the publishing of LGPL software in the ibiblio repository is fine.

Trygve, Brett and I will figure something out on beaver.codehaus.org
ASAP and then everyone can pitch in. More help would be wonderful.

Ok, I think the important thing is the new process - where this temporary repo is is irrelevant for now (as the number of committers is small; otherwise, you would have a problem to scale the accounts creation :-)

-- Felipe

I think we should clarify that Non Apache requests for upload need to go through this request process and that all Apache projects need to use the ASF Repository (which takes a huge load of you guys).


Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

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