On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 06:47:53 +1000, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's for this reason that it may stay as it is for now. The repository 

What do you mean stay as it is? Does it means no plugin should have the 
xxxx.final.name (relying only on maven.final.name) or leaving it in the current 
inconsistent way (where some plugins have the property but some others don't)?. Or are 
you just talking about the specific maven.war.final.name property?

> Generating it in target without it is not ideal, but is convenient and 
> backwards compatible. I don't see any issue with it.

I agree with the backaward compatibility, not with the convenience. I mean, if the 
developer is relying on the target/xxx.war while developing, it's not productive 
anyway, as that war must be updated everytime a file is changed. 

> That said, for consistency - how about defaulting to 
> ${maven.final.name}.war, but making a copy to ${pom.artifactId}.war for 
> existing builds? Output a warning that says it will be turned off in the 
> future.

Ok, that makes sense.

> Felipe, what is the reason to introduce all the different final.name 
> properties? Why isn't maven.final.name sufficient? 

I'm introducing the new properties to fix MPJAVA-8, which I think makes sense (i.e., 
the reporter complained the plugins are not consistent regarding that property, and I 
agree. Besides, nobody complained so far when I said I would fix it). But if we look 
further in the past changes, we can find these reasons:

<action dev="vmassol" type="update">
        Made the <code>maven.war.final.name</code> property public as it is 
        required by several other plugins and before this change the only 
        way is for these plugins was to call the non-public 
        <code>war:init</code> goal.

      <action dev="vmassol" type="update">
        Modified existing <code>maven.ejb.final.name</code> property (and 
        exposed it as a public property) so that it doesn't include the path 
        (the path is now provided by the new <code>maven.ejb.build.dir</code> 
        property). This allows aligning the WAR and EJB plugin properties. 
        Note: This is a breaking change for all those using the 
        <code>maven.ejb.final.name</code> property (which was not a public 
      <action dev="vmassol" type="update">
        Made the <code>maven.ejb.final.name</code> property public as it is 
        required by several other plugins and before this change the only 
        way is for these plugins was to call the non-public 
        <code>ejb:init</code> goal.

> A project only  produces one output, so maven.final.name should be able to be used 
> in 
> any context. 

Yes, a product may produce only one output, but that output might be used to produce 
another 'secondary' outputs, like cactus's ear. So, if that property defining the 
output's final name is not exposed, the other plugins will need to 'guess' what's the 
output. For instance, cactus-plugin would be assuming the war is name 
${maven.final.name}.war, which in turn is not even true (as it's in fact 

> I should have been watching the JIRA issues come in more carefully,

+1 :-)
> but unless there is a good reason I'd prefer we didn't have  this change.

I still think the property is useful (specially for the reason quoted in the previous 
paragraph). Anyway, I will stop my work on these issues by now, until we decide what 
to do (and again, I think we should finish this thread with a [VOTE] proposal for the 
final decisions).

-- Felipe

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